Application of Content

The Application of Content standard highlights the teachers’ ability to make content relevant to students and teach it in a meaningful and purposeful way focusing on cross curricular connections, critical thinking and real life relevancy.

Cross curricular connection – The Great Gatsby and Farewell to Arms to teach about the history of Roaring Twenties

The teacher will utilize a cross curricular approach when possible, to ensure students see the content they receive as a part of a larger, more wholesome academic picture where Social Studies is not a stand alone subject but rather it exists in conjunction with Arts and Humanities. For example, to inspire to make connections between what they learn in their English and History classes, the teacher will incorporate important literary pieces into her  History lesson plan.

Analyzing political cartoons to encourage critical thinking

Encouraging critical thinking is an integral part of  21st Century Learning therefore it should also guide how we apply content. What strategies can we bring in to help students make connection between what we learn and different primary sources? Focusing on questions such as “how do primary sources reflect the message of the time period,” the teacher can incorporate a carousel activity where students move around and analyze political cartoons of the time. The teacher will guide students to answer important questions such as “how can we describe certain sociopolitical issues of the time by examining these political cartoons?” By discussing the meaning of the pictures in groups, students also develop interpersonal skills and learn to implement critical thinking in group discussions.

How does this painting by Palmer Hayden depict the Harlem Renaissance?

The teacher could also incorporate art in her presentation and elicit student engagement to describe the art piece.

Observing and analyzing primary sources is an integral part of Application of Content. Students listening to songs and speeches, watching movie clips, being exposed to the art and literature of time period will bring the past closer and make it more relevant for students.

Content Relevancy – How are some of the issues of the 1920’s still relevant today?

Utilizing strategies, such as exit tickets or journals, that encourage students to think about how past issues are still present in today’s society is a meaningful way to apply content, and to bring relevancy to the material. Students reflecting on past and present societal issues through a historical perspective will not only encourage their critical thinking but it will also showcase the importance of history in their lives.

Please find my additional reflections about how embracing a cross disciplinary mindset and utilizing primary sources will encourage students’ meaningful engagement with content in my paper” Professional Knowledge.”