Content Knowledge

The Content Knowledge standard emphasizes the importance of teachers showing proof of their expertise and preparedness in the area they plan to teach. Content Knowledge also implies a willingness to embrace a cross disciplinary approach, as well as teachers serving as lifelong learners  themselves to model this critical disposition to students.

Praxis II – Content Knowledge

To teach social studies in the State of Virginia , it is vital to successfully pass such critical tests as Social Studies: Content Knowledge Praxis (5081) and the Virginia Communication and Literacy Assessment.   




Embracing a mindset of being a lifelong learner means continually striving to educate oneself. Displaying an array of interest and strengths will help the teacher embrace a cross disciplinary approach to her pedagogy.  

Showing proof  of a solid academic foundation along with a willingness to continually improve her skills, the teacher will model the key aspect of teaching/learning: building self efficacy and enhancing metacognition.

For further information on how to integrate Content Knowledge into practice, please see my paper entitled “Professional Knowledge.”