Learner Development

The Learner Development standard guides teachers to be cognizant of and prepared to address learning differences in the classroom. It is vital that teachers understand students’ different phases of cognitive, social, emotional, physical and linguistic development  and structure lessons according to proper student development.

Utilizing elements of Piaget’s and Vygotsky’s theories of cognitive development, the teacher will implement teaching strategies that will target both students’ quest for individualistic, self initiated discovery (Piaget) and students’ need to learn through social interaction such as cooperative learning.(Vygotsky)

In order to better understand students’ developmental levels, it is advisable for teachers to get to know their students well, conference with coworkers (co-teachers and support staff as well as caregivers) and embrace a mindset that centers on differentiating lesson plans. Further, to discern prior knowledge, and literacy skills  the teacher will utilize a pre-test at the beginning of each unit. 

Once the teacher has a general idea of where student stand in terms of social, emotional development and knowledge of the subject, she will design lessons that allow for differentiation and will be appropriate for individual students’ developmental level. Finally, the teacher will utilize various informal and formal  modes of assessing students, who will be allowed to demonstrate mastery of knowledge through multiple modalities based on their appropriate developmental levels. 

For additional information on learner development, specifically on student academic progress under the umbrella of disabilities and special needs, please see my Student Academic Progress paper.